On Mon, 20 Feb 2012 18:20:32 +0100, "Hans-Peter Jansen" <h...@urpla.net>
> Am Sunday 19 February 2012 12:47:28 schrieb Phil Thompson:
>> On Sat, 11 Feb 2012 01:36:14 +0100, "Hans-Peter Jansen"
>> <h...@urpla.net>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Phil,
>> >
>> > while I'm seriously overloaded at the moment (a bunch of people are
>> > much
>> >
>> > harder to organize then code), I did some relaxations by converting
>> > another fine Qt example. As usual, I couldn't resist in pimping it
>> > up in some minor ways. Most prominently, I added a way to change
>> > the date format globally. Also, a workaround to fetch the correct
>> > cell background color is applied.
>> I removed the workaround as (for me) it doesn't seem to be needed and
>> also it breaks the background of the first and last rows.
> Not here. Does the background color dialog show the correct color for 
> you in all fields? Here, it's showing black by default, while I use 
> some very different background color.

It shows black for white fields, and the correct colour for others. This
is the same as the C++ version - this is on a Mac. I was more concerned
about the incorrect first and last rows.

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