Hi all,

in one of my SIP files I have this line (a class constructor):

MessageDialog(QMessageBox::Icon icon /TransferThis/,
   const QString & title /TransferThis/,
   const QString & text /TransferThis/,
QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons /TransferThis/ = QMessageBox::NoButton,
   QWidget * parent /TransferThis/ = 0);

When refering to this constructor later in my Python code, the following lines will cause a segmentation fault

app = QApplication(argv)
about = ui.MessageDialog(QMessageBox.Icon(QMessageBox.Information), app.tr(argv[1]), app.tr(argv[2]), QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Yes)

Can this be caused by the TransferThis annotation? Or by the "&" C++ reference to the QString? Or do you see something else, that's wrong with this?

If you want to have a closer look at the project, see here:


The problematic line is in ui/message_dialog.sip.
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