I wrote a python script using QtWebKit to get all page info including info
generated by AJAX requests. I run the following code on CentOS Server and
do the following settings:

> $ Xvfb :100 -screen 0 9000x9000x24 &

export DISPLAY=:100

The following code worked, however, it could only get *one-screen* info of
the web page, namely, getting different amount of info according to the
screen resolution. I could only get part of the info of the webpage.

I have tried using *selenium *and I can get all web info if I set large
screen resolution using *Xvfb* .

Please give me some tips about how to solve the problem and any manual
for *QtWebKit
*is also appreciated because I can't find more materials about it.

And the following code can exit automatically after getting the work done.
I can't find where's the bug…… Everytime I must use the command *kill* to
terminate the script.

Thanks anyway.

The following is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
> #coding: utf-8
>> import sys
>> from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl, SIGNAL, QSize
> from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
> from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebPage, QWebView
>> class WebPage(QWebPage):
>     def javaScriptConsoleMessage(self, message, lineNumber, sourceID):
>         sys.stderr.write('Javascritp error at line number %d\n' %
>> (lineNumber))
>         sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (message, ))
>         sys.stderr.write('Source ID: %s\n' % (sourceID, ))
>> class Crawler(QApplication):
>     def __init__(self, url):
>         super(Crawler, self).__init__(sys.argv)
>         self.url = url
>         self.web_view = QWebView()
>         self.web_page = WebPage()
>         self.web_view.setPage(self.web_page)
>         self.web_frame = self.web_page.currentFrame()
>>         self.qsize = QSize()
>         self.qsize.setHeight(9000)
>         self.qsize.setWidth(9000)
>         # self.settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.AutoLoadImages, False)
>         # self.setttings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, False)
>>         # self.setMaximumSize(10000, 10000)
>>         #
>> self.web_page.setViewportSize(self.web_page.mainFrame().contentsSize())
>>         print 'Before connecting'
>         self.connect(self.web_view, SIGNAL('loadFinished(bool)'),
>> self.loadFinished)
>         print 'After connecting'
>>         print 'Before loading'
>         self.web_frame.load(QUrl(self.url))
>         print 'After loading'
>     def loadFinished(self, ok):
>         print 'In callback, before writing'
>         with open('jd.txt', 'ab+') as fp:
>             fp.write(self.web_page.currentFrame().toHtml().toUtf8())
>         print 'In callback, after writing'
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     url = 'http://www.360buy.com/product/729487.html'
>     crawler = Crawler(url)
>     sys.exit(crawler.exec_())
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