Hi Phil,

The following snippet causes a segfault:

python -c "from PyQt4.Qt import *; app = QApplication([]); f = 
QRawFont.fromFont(QFont('Arial')); print f.familyName();  print 1"

However, if I explicitly delete the QRawFont first, the segfault goes

python -c "from PyQt4.Qt import *; app = QApplication([]); f = 
QRawFont.fromFont(QFont('Arial')); print f.familyName(); del f;  print 1"

Seems to be something wrong in the object lifetime/ownership
semantics for QRawFont.

This is on linux PyQt4 4.9.4, SIP 4.14, Qt 4.8.3

I am unable to generate a backtrace at the moment as I am travelling,
let me know if you need one, and I'll try to generate it ASAP.



Dr. Kovid Goyal 

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