On Mon, 24 Jun 2013, Eric Frederich wrote:

I'm trying to tail several files graphically.
I have been trying to find a way to tail several files in a GUI
without much luck at all.
I get errors from tail saying broken pipe.
I get PyQt errors saying underlying C++ objects have been destroyed.
I get other Qt errors saying that threads are still running when the
application exits

The implementation posted below seems to suffer from the following errors.
Not all the time.  It depends.

QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
QWaitCondition::wakeAll(): mutex lock failure:

You're not calling .wait on the threads, and you probably want to give e.g. your QObjects a parent where you can, so that Qt manages the lifetime of the wrapped C++ objects (e.g. pass in self to the parent arg of the QTextBrowser constructor).

But, I recommend doing it a different way: I find event-based code easier to think about than threads. So, if you can use Qt5, you might want to do away with the threads and the tail subprocess and replace them with QFileSystemWatcher. Use event-based code instead of the threads (I'm not talking about Qt events, I just mean hook up to the signals that that class emits and process a little input at a time so as to avoid blocking the UI, using QTimer where needed). I say Qt5 because Qt4 isn't very friendly to this way of working since it uses threads in the implementation of QFileSystemWatcher.

Caveat: QFileSystemWatcher still has its problems, but the ones discussed at the URL below are more convenience issues than fundamental problems: I just found I had to experiment a bit to see when the different signals got emitted.


Caveat #2: I imagine QFileSystemWatcher does not support filesystems like NFS, at least on Linux kernels with inotify support (but don't take my word for it, check the source).

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