On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 20:16:35 +0530, Shriramana Sharma <samj...@gmail.com>
> I'm trying to build PyQt5 for Py3 on Kubuntu Raring. However I got the
> error that Sip was not found:
> This is the GPL version of PyQt 5.0 (licensed under the GNU General
> License) for Python 3.3.1 on linux.
> ...
> Found the license file pyqt-gpl.sip.
> Error: Make sure you have a working sip on your PATH or use the --sip
> argument
> to explicitly specify a working sip.
> Then I went and installed the python3-sip-dev package which is
> supposed to "contains the code generator tool and the development
> headers needed to develop Python 3 bindings with sip" (from the
> package description) but even then I get the same error.
> Comparing the Python2 Sip package filelist:
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/amd64/python-sip-dev/filelist with
> the Python3 Sip package filelist
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/amd64/python3-sip-dev/filelist, I
> note that there is a /usr/bin/sip in the python-sip-dev package but no
> similar file in the python3-sip-dev package. Is this then a packaging
> error and should I report it as such? (Even the upstream Debian Sid
> packages have the same situation.) Or is Sip the same for both Py2 and
> Py3 in which case I should install python-sip-dev even for Py3?

The code generator is the same for all Python versions.

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