I have downloaded python 3.3.2 and built into /opt/python3.3.2 folder. Then downloaded sip and built into the /opt/python3.3.2 the downloaded pyqt5.1 and again configured, made and installed into the /opt/python3.3.2 folder. In that there is a Qt5 folder in /opt/python3.3.2/lib/python3.3/site-packages.

I use pycharm3, when I point its project compiler to the one above pycharm finds the PyQt5 package, its creates skeletons (whatever they are ) and shows PyQt5 in its external Libraries and shows Qt.so, QtCore.so QtDBus.so QtNetwork.so QtXmlPatterns.

If a python file I write from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QmainWindow, pycharm3 is reporting that it cannot find a reference to QTWidgets in __init__.py which when inspected contains the python for compileUIDir etc.

So could someone please tell me what is missing or what I have done wrong.


ps I installed 5.1 in windows earlier today no problems however there are many more dlls reported by pycharm in windows in its site-packages. I am using the same simple program on both to test. I had previously installed version 5.0.1 on both linux and windows and both worked fine. I had to get a new pc and so decided to install the 5.1 versions hence my question. I have forgotten what I did to install 5.0.1 so must be missing something but what?
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