
I need some advise on the use off SRN (simple recurrent nets).

I know what the network does but I need some help on the Pyro implementation.
This is what I want to do with the net:
-I want to train a SRN using a single (very long) sequence of patterns. The 
examples I could find on SRN all define a number of patterns and build a 
sequence of these on the fly. However, I will read a single long sequence of 
patterns from a file (experimental data).

-Second, I want to analyze the activation of the hidden nodes in response to 
each different input pattern. To this, I want present the net ad random with a 
long sequence of input patterns and register the activations.

-I don't want the network to be trained using batch updating. Given my problem, 
batch updating is senseless.

So, could somebody assist me in finding the best settings for this kind of 

Dieter Vanderelst

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