On 10/14/20 5:21 PM, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 10/14/20 12:45 PM, Cristián Maureira-Fredes wrote:

On 10/14/20 1:35 PM, Stephen Morris wrote:

On 10/14/20 12:05 PM, Cristián Maureira-Fredes wrote:

On 10/12/20 1:14 PM, Stephen Morris wrote:


Can you try to use a newer libclang?
There are some pre-built packages on
that you can unzip, then point the LLVM_INSTALL_DIR variable to the directory.
Some people reported issues with 5.15 and libclang<=8 in other communication 
platforms, so it might be that.
On a side note, I really recommend you to try to move away from Python 2, since 
as you might know, it was deprecated [1], and we are completing removing Python 
2 support for Qt 6.

Thank you. I've rebuilt PySide using libclang.so.10 and now I get a different 
error message; I count this as progress, and I'll do a bit more investigation 
of my own before asking any further questions.

Thank you Stephen,
hopefully you can solve the issue soon.

Feel free to use a service like pastebin
to share the full log, so we don't miss any detail.


Dr. Cristián Maureira-Fredes
R&D Manager

The Qt Company GmbH
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D-12489 Berlin

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Juha Varelius, Jouni Lintunen
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