
I've noticed for an application which I package as AppImage, that I can't install PySide versions more recent than 6.2.4.

When inspecting the distribution files on PyPi and https://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/pyside6/ it seems to me, that after 6.2.4 the builds changed:

Manylinux wheel files for 6.2.4 got build for various Python versions:

After that, they only seem to be build for Python 3.7:

1.) Can this be the reason why I can't update beyond 6.2.4 inside my AppImage (I'm using Python 3.9)?

2.) Any ideas, how I could use the most recent PySide6 versions inside an AppImage again?

Any help or hints is appreciated! 😄
Thanks & best regards!
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