The maintainers of `asyncio` are considering deprecation of `asyncio.set_event_loop_policy()`, as it's not needed for IO use cases. This would affect Qt for Python, including [examples/async code] which people presumably reuse in their own projects.

It's not entirely clear what the recommended replacement should be. `asyncio` developers could use some help understanding GUI integration use cases.
Here's a [relevant comment]:

> You could overwrite asyncio.EventLoop but the scary thing there is that it affects all threads. What if I wanted a background thread to continut to just run the original default EventLoop?
> Are those frameworks auto-installing their own policy as a side effect of being imported? Does the policy they install create an event loop of their type for all threads? If so, overwriting EventLoop is not much of a regression. If they are careful to only do something special for the main thread (or for the first event loop created or whatever) we may have to provide a mechanism to set a loop factory per thread, for example. At that point might we not just keep the existing policy system for that purpose, rather than retiring that and inventing something new to replace it?

You're welcome to join the discussion at https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/94597 or https://discuss.python.org/t/37553

[examples/async code]: https://code.qt.io/cgit/pyside/pyside-setup.git/tree/examples/async/eratosthenes/eratosthenes_asyncio.py#n137
[relevant comment]: https://discuss.python.org/t/37553/25
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