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> From:
> Subject: Auto-discard notification
> Date: March 6, 2012 2:55:54 PM PST
> To:
> The attached message has been automatically discarded.
> From: Daπid <>
> Subject: Merging multiple DB
> Date: March 6, 2012 2:55:27 PM PST
> To:
> Hello.
> First of all, I have to warn I am an absolute newbie to PyTables and
> DB, so please forgive my conceptual holes.
> I am running a Monte Carlo simulation of an embarrassingly
> parallelizable problem. The calculations are being done on a grid of
> 10 computers QuadCore, running each one four independent processes. I
> assume the safer is to generate one DB per process, ending up with
> forty different (but equivalent) DB. My question is: is there any easy
> way of merging all of them?
> The final size of the DB will be around ten columns of numbers by a
> few million rows, relatively small, so I compression is not required
> and reading optimization is not vital.
> The simplest -and maybe shabby- way I can think of is to output every
> thread on different ASCII, read them all and insert them in a master
> DB, but this looks inefficient and cumbersome to me.
> Thank you very much,
> David.

-- Francesc Alted

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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