On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Oleksandr Huziy <guziy.sa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Pytables users and developers:
> I have a few questions to which I could not find the answer in the
> documentation. Thank you in advance for any help.
> 1. If I store dates in Pytables, does it mean I could write queries like
> table.where('date.month == 5')? Is there a common way to pass from python's
> datetime to pytable's datetime and inversely?

Hello Sasha,

Pytables times are the actual based off of C time, not Python's date times.
 This is because they use the HDF5 time types.  So unfortunately you can't
write queries like the one above.  (You'd need to talk to numexpr about
getting that kind of query implemented ~_~.)

Instead I would suggest that you store your times as Float64Atoms and
Float64Cols and then use arithmetic to figure out the query:

table.where("(x / 3600 / 24)%12 == 5")

This is not perfect...

> 2. I have several variables stored in the same file in a separate table
> for each variable. And I use separate columns year, month, day, hour,
> minute, second  - to mark the time for a record (the records are not
> necessarily ordered in time) and this is for each variable. I was thinking
> to put all the variables in the same table and put missing values for the
> variables which do not have outputs for a given time step. Is it possible
> to put None as a default value into a table (so I could easily filter dummy
> rows).

It is not possible to use "None" since that is a Python object of a
different type than the other integers you are trying to stick in the
column.  I would suggest that you use values with no actual meaning.  If
you are using normal ints you can use -1 to represent missing values.  If
you are using unsigned ints you have to pick other values, like 13 for
month on the Julian calendar.

> But then again the data comes in chunks, does this mean I would have to
> check if a row with the same date already exist for a different variable?

No you wouldn't you can store the same data multiple times in different

> I don't really like the ideas in 2, which are intended to save space, but
> maybe all I need is a good compression level? Can somebody advise me on
> this?

Compression would definitely help here since the date numbers are all
fairly similar.  Probably even a compression level of 1 would work.  Keep
in mind that sometime using compression actually speeds things up (see the
starving CPU problem).  You might just need to experiment with a few
different compression level to see how things go. 0, 1, 5, 9 gives you a
good spread.

Be Well

> Cheers
> --
> Oleksandr (Sasha) Huziy
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