Hello Giovanni,

I think you may need to del that slice and then possibly repack.  Hope this

Be Well

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia <
glciamp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> is there a way to clear out a chunk from a CArray? I noticed that setting
> the
> data to zero actually takes disk space, i.e.
> ***
> from tables import open_file, BoolAtom
> h5f = open_file('test.h5', 'w')
> ca = h5f.create_carray(h5f.root, 'carray', BoolAtom(), shape=(1000,1000),
> chunkshape=(1,1000))
> ca[:,:] = False
> h5f.close()
> ***
> The resulting file takes 249K ...
> Best,
> --
> Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
> Postdoctoral fellow
> Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research
> Indiana University
> ✎ 910 E 10th St ∙ Bloomington ∙ IN 47408
> ☞ http://cnets.indiana.edu/
> ✉ gciam...@indiana.edu
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