Sorry the summaries are so late.  We were late already, and it's taken
me a bit of time to get set up with the new site.  But I
should be all good now, and hopefully we'll get caught up with all the
summaries by the end of May.  Hope you all weren't too depressed
without your bi-weekly python-dev updates! ;-)

python-dev Summary for 2006-01-16 through 2006-01-31

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Google summer internships

Google is looking to fill an unprecedented number of `student intern
positions`_ this (US) summer, at several US locations (Mountain View,
Santa Monica, Kirkland (Wash.), and New York).  The perks are
incredible, and Google is not just looking for software development
interns - there are also product management positions, and UI design
and usability analyst positions.

Contributing thread:

 - `Know anyone interested in a Google internship?

 .. _student intern positions:


Possible Summer of PyPy

Armin Rigo announced the possibility of a "Summer of PyPy", which
would follow the style of Google's "Summer of Code" in funding
students to work on various aspects of PyPy.  The possibility has not
been confirmed yet, but we'll let you know when there's more info.

Contributing thread:

 - `Summer of PyPy



Integers and strings in different bases

Alex Martelli requested the inverse of ``int(<string>, <base>)`` that
would convert an int into a string with digits in the appropriate
base. There was a lot of discussion of exactly where such
functionality should go. Among the suggested locations were:

* The str constructor, e.g. ``str(<number>, <base>)``
* A str classmethod, e.g. ``str.from_int(<number>, <base>)``
* An encoding method, e.g. ``str(<number>).encode("base<base>")``
* A method on ints, e.g. ``<number>.to_base(<base>)``
* A format code, e.g. ``"%<base>b" % <number>``
* A builtin function, e.g. ``base(<number>, <base>)``
* A function in the math module, e.g. ``math.base(<number>, <base>)``

People seemed generally to like the builtin function or math module
function options, though there was some debate as to the best name for
the function.  Guido suggested letting the proposal sit for a week or
two to see if anyone could come up with a better name or suggest a
better location for the function.  (However, he seemed generally in
favor of the proposal, suggesting that hex() and oct() should be
deprecated and removed in a future version of Python.)  No decisions
had been made at the time this summary was written.

Contributing threads:

 - `str with base


PEP 355: Path - Object oriented filesystem paths

Björn Lindqvist resuscitated the idea of incorporating a Path class
based on Jason Ordenorff's path module to the standard library by
creating `PEP 355`_.  There was some general discussion (and
corresponding PEP changes), with much discussion centred on the use of
"/" as a join-with-separator operator, which was eventually dropped
from the PEP.

More discussion considered whether Path should subclass string or not.
Subclassing string provides the advantage that Paths can be used in
the majority of places where strings are currently used, without
modification.  However, there are many methods of strings that do not
seem appropriate for Path objects.  Jason Orendorff would prefer for
Paths to not subclass strings, and a new format specifier (e.g. for
PyArg_ParseTuple()) be created for use with Paths.

There was general agreement that the utility of the module would be
highest when Path objects could be seamlessly used where string paths
were previous used.  The debate centred on whether subclassing string
was the best way to do this or not.  Path objects clearly are not
string objects (e.g. __iter__ and join() are nonsensical with paths).
Changing the C API so that Paths are accepted where necessary was the
suggested solution, although the PEP (at the time of writing the
summary) still subclasses Path from string.

Changing the methods from the names used by the os module and Jason's
module to ones that conform to PEP 8 was recommended.  Jason explained
that the reason that there is so much cruft in his path module is that
the design is heavily skewed toward people already familiar with the
existing standard library equivalents.  He feels that a standard
library Path class should have different design goals: less
redundancy, fewer methods, and PEP 8 compliant names.

 .. _PEP 355:

Contributing threads:

 - `The path module PEP
 - `/ as path join operator (was: Re: The path module PEP)
 - `/ as path join operator
 - `Path inherits from string
 - `The path module (class) PEP


Including ctypes in the stdlib

The inclusion of ctypes in the standard library hit a snag: although
Guido pronounced that including it (with a strongly worded wording in
the documentation) was fine, ctypes includes libffi, which is built
with GPL'd tools, which is causes licensing issues.  A lot of the
typical legal-advice-from-everyone-but-lawyers discussion took place,
but essentially what is required is a way to calculate the information
necessary to build libffi without the GPL'd tools.  Hye-Shik Chang did
some work on this, and is working on integrating this into the ctypes
repository, so ctypes may still may it into the standard library.

Contributing threads:

 - `Include ctypes into core Python?
 - `DRAFT: python-dev Summary for 2006-01-01 through 2006-01-15
 - `(libffi) Re: Copyright issue


Improving the documentation process

Georg Brandl pointed out the new `documentation effort`_ by Fredrik
Lundh which uses a mix of HTML and PythonDoc-style markup and allows
convenient single-method links like Georg Brandl played around a bit
with the `CSS styling`_, however the main focus of Fredrik's effort
was to lower the threshold for user contributions. Along these lines,
he was working on an alternate content management system for editing
the Python documentation. He currently has a prototype_ available that
mirrors some of the content on, though whether or not this
backend will be incorporated into is as yet undecided.

.. _documentation effort:
.. _CSS styling:
.. _prototype:

Contributing threads:

 - `New Pythondoc by effbot
 - `[Doc-SIG] that library reference, again


Updating ConfigParser

The discussion about possible ConfigParser improvements continued,
with the typical failure to make any decisions.

As always, the options include small modifications to the existing
ConfigParser (e.g. allowing preservation of comments, order, and
whitespace), re-writing ConfigParser (perhaps based on existing
third-party versions), or providing a more sophisticated configuration
file module (either leaving ConfigParser as-is, or rewriting it to use
the new module).

Contributing threads:

 - `ConfigParser to save with order
 - `Extension to ConfigParser
 - `YAML (was Re: Extension to ConfigParser)
 - `JSON (was: YAML)


Introducing a basenumber abstract class

Alex Martelli proposed introducing a class, basenumber, along the
lines of the basestring class. The intention was to make it easier to
check whether or not something is a number. However, if inheriting
from basenumber was required for all new number-like objects, then the
duck-typing approach of simply implementing the appropriate interface
would no longer work. Also, since inheriting from multiple builtin
types is disallowed, a str subclass that needs to act like a number
(e.g. a symbolic type) would no longer be able to do so since it could
not also inherit from basenumber.

Guido suggested an __index__ method that would identify a type as
convertible into an integer, though without the loss of precision
allowed by __int__. More on this suggestion in the next summary.

Contributing threads:

 - `basenumber redux
 - `index (was str with base)


New Python website:

Skip Montanaro pointed out that Tim Parkin is heading up a `new
effort`_ to redesign the site. The system is based on
content formatted primarily in ReST_ for easy editing, though to fully
render the pages a number of other tools are required. Tim hopes to
get these all wrapped up in setuptools_ and eggs_ so that anyone can
also see the fully rendered pages.

Also on the topic of webpage redesign, Steve Holden looked into
changing the sourceforge "Download Python" link to point to the right
place:  This link, however, cannot be
directly modified, so Martin v. Löwis put a small warning above it.

.. _new effort:
.. _setuptools:
.. _eggs:

Contributing threads:

 - `Python icon
 - `SourceForge Download Page, Subversion Home Page


Readline on OS X 10.4

Thomas Heller has a problem building readline on OS X 10.4.  This is a
known issue, the result of Apple shipping libedit symlinked to
readline rather than readline itself.  You need to get a third party
copy of readline - Bob Ippolito made a _readline egg`_.
Alternatively, if LDFLAGS AND CPPFLAGS are set appropriately for
/opt/local/lib and opt/local/include, and the DarwinPorts copy of
readline is installed, then it will be found by

Concerns about linking with readline (which is released under the GPL)
were raised, that explicitly requiring or checking for readline could
violate the licence.  A suggestion was made that Python 3000 could
stop using readline and use an alternative instead.

.. _readline egg:

Contributing thread:

 - `Building on OS X 10.4 fails


Yielding from a sub-generator

Before PEP 342, there wasn't a big need for a shortcut to pass control
to a "sub-generator" because the following for-loop works well enough::

     def main_generator():
         for value in sub_generator():
             yield value

but now that yield can return a value, that value might have to be
passed into sub_generator(), not to mention exceptions. Guido felt
that a syntactic solution is needed, if the problem is important
enough to be solved; a suggestion was "yield from sub_generator()".

Contributing thread:

 - `yield back-and-forth?


Using the Win32 API for stat/fstat/wstat

Martin v. Löwis wanted to switch the code for stat/fstat/wstat from
using msvcrt to the Win32 API. However, currently, when WindowsError
is raised, the errno attribute must be interpreted as a Win32 error
instead of as an errno.h error as in its superclass, OSError. The
Win32 API provides different error codes, so using these for the errno
attribute could cause some code breakage.  The options seemed to be
either to break WindowsError and use the new Win32 API error codes, or
to introduce a new windows_error attribute to hold the additional
information.  No decision had been made at the time this summary was

Contributing thread:

 - `"DOS" error codes, WindowsError, and errno


Making timeit easier to use

Connelly Barnes was concerned that the default behavior of the timeit
module was not very useful.  Since timing a function seems like the
most common use of timeit, it should be a simple operation, not a
method call with a string describing how to import the function and
then another string describing how to call it.  Also, the default
behavior of 1 million iterations is not useful for any code that
cannot be repeated that many times.  Instead, the number of iterations
should be calibrated as it is in the command-line version. Nick
Coghlan provided an implementation for these improvements, but it was
unclear whether or not those changes would be applied to the module.

Contributing thread:

 - `timeit module


Removing deprecated modules

The regex, regsub and timing modules have been obsolete since Python
2.0, but are still importable in Python 2.4 (regex and regsub both
generate a deprecation warning).  Skip Montanaro asked when these
would be removed, and Guido said that they should be as soon as

Contributing thread:

 - `When will regex really go away?


Deferred Threads

 - `Compiler warnings
 - `Octal literals

Previous Summaries

 - `os.path.getmtime on Windows
 - `Birkenfeld's gone
 - `Ph.D. dissertation ideas?
 - `Names matter.
 - `New PEP: Using ssize_t as the index type
 - `[PATCH] Fix dictionary subclass semantics whenused as global
 - `from __future__ syntax changed

Skipped Threads

 - `PEP 247 and hashlib
 - `[Python-checkins] r42064 - python/trunk/Lib/logging/
 - `pystate.c changes for Python 2.4.2
 - `computed goto's in ceval loop
 - `subwcrev.exe
 - `[Python-checkins] r42090 - in python/trunk: Modules/getbuildinfo.c
PCbuild/make_buildinfo.vcproj PCbuild/pcbuild.sln
 - `Additions to the functional module
 - `PEP 343 and __context__()
 - `site triggering a bug in urllib2
 - `[Python-checkins] r42116 -
 - `stabilizing builds
 - `building a module catalogue with buildbot
 - `Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
 - `Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary (Revised)
 - `Long-time shy failure in test_socket_ssl
 - `[Python-checkins] r42185 -
 - `(no subject)


This is a summary of traffic on the `python-dev mailing list`_ from
January 16, 2006 through January 31, 2006.
It is intended to inform the wider Python community of on-going
developments on the list on a semi-monthly basis.  An archive_ of
previous summaries is available online.

An `RSS feed`_ of the titles of the summaries is available.
You can also watch comp.lang.python or comp.lang.python.announce for
new summaries (or through their email gateways of python-list or
python-announce, respectively, as found at

This python-dev summary is the 12th written by
the python-dev summary python-dev summary duo of Steve Bethard and Tony Meyer .

To contact us, please send email:

- Steve Bethard (steven.bethard at
- Tony Meyer (tony.meyer at

Do *not* post to comp.lang.python if you wish to reach us.

The `Python Software Foundation`_ is the non-profit organization that
holds the intellectual property for Python.  It also tries to advance
the development and use of Python.  If you find the python-dev Summary
helpful please consider making a donation.  You can make a donation at .  Every cent counts so even a
small donation with a credit card, check, or by PayPal helps.

Commenting on Topics

To comment on anything mentioned here, just post to
`comp.lang.python`_ (or email which is a
gateway to the newsgroup) with a subject line mentioning what you are
discussing.  All python-dev members are interested in seeing ideas
discussed by the community, so don't hesitate to take a stance on
something.  And if all of this really interests you then get involved
and join `python-dev`_!

How to Read the Summaries

That this summary is written using reStructuredText_. Any unfamiliar
punctuation is probably markup for reST_ (otherwise it is probably
regular expression syntax or a typo :); you can safely ignore it.  We
do suggest learning reST, though; it's simple and is accepted for
`PEP markup`_ and can be turned into many different formats like HTML
and LaTeX.  Unfortunately, even though reST is standardized, the
wonders of programs that like to reformat text do not allow us to
guarantee you will be able to run the text version of this summary
through Docutils_ as-is unless it is from the `original text file`_.

.. _python-dev:
.. _SourceForge:
.. _python-dev mailing list:
.. _comp.lang.python:
.. _PEP Markup:

.. _Docutils:
.. _reST:
.. _reStructuredText:
.. _PSF:
.. _Python Software Foundation:

.. _original text file:
.. _archive:
.. _RSS feed:

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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