 Announcing PyTables Pro 2.0

PyTables Pro is a library for managing hierarchical datasets and
designed to efficiently cope with extremely large amounts of data with
support for full 64-bit file addressing.  PyTables Pro runs on top of
the HDF5 library and NumPy package for achieving maximum throughput and
convenient use.  The main difference between PyTables Pro and regular
PyTables is that the Pro version includes OPSI, a new indexing
technology, allowing to perform data lookups in tables exceeding 10
gigarows (10**10 rows) in less than 1 tenth of a second.

After more than two years of continuous development and about five
months of exhaustive testing and benchmarking, we are very happy to
announce that PyTables Pro 2.0 (final) is here.  Wearing more than 15000
tests and having passed the complete test suite in the most common
platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux 32-bit and Linux 64-bit), we are
pretty confident that PyTables Pro 2.0 is ready to be used in production
scenarios, bringing maximum stability and top performance to those users
who need it.  For more info about PyTables Pro, see:

As already said, PyTables Pro includes, as its most distinguishing
feature, the powerful OPSI technology that allows to index very large
amounts of data very rapidly while allowing first-class query response
times.  Its operational details as well as exhaustive benchmarks are
explained with full detail in the OPSI white paper:

You can buy PyTables Pro at the Carabos shop:

Coinciding with the publication of PyTables Pro we are introducing an
innovative liberation process that will allow to ultimate release the
PyTables Pro 2.x series as open source.  You may want to know that, by
buying a PyTables Pro license, you are contributing to this process. For
details, see: http://www.carabos.com/liberation

Migration Notes

If you are a user of PyTables 1.x, probably it is worth for you to look
at ``MIGRATING_TO_2.x.txt`` file where you will find directions on how
to migrate your existing PyTables 1.x apps to the 2.x versions.  You can
find an HTML version of this document at:


Go to the PyTables Pro web page for more details:

To know more about the company behind the development of PyTables Pro, see:

Go to the PyTables web site, its free counterpart:

About the HDF5 library:

About NumPy:


  **Enjoy data!**

  -- The PyTables Team

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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