---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vicky Lee <why...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 10:47 PM
Subject: Python Ireland presents - April Talks @ The Vaults
To: pythonirel...@googlegroups.com

Hi All,
There will be talks this month. Just double-checking that the talk by Alan
is ok, so that's subject to change (I will update and let everyone know).

When: Wed, 8th April 2009 @ 7pm
Where: The Vaults (http://www.thevaults.ie/location.php) Also last orders
for food is 8pm.
What's on:

   Introduction to unicode talk AKA everything a programmer who
doesn't care needs to know about international text in python.
   - Mick's build tool (ports in python). (MichaelTwomey)
   Talk and demonstration of the barter exchange with Appengine. (PJ
   - Lightning talks (if we have time)

More information:-

Don't forget, I'll be bringing along the Python Ireland tees as well. A
tenner donation would be appreciated to cover its printing costs.


/// Vicky

~~ http://irishbornchinese.com   ~~
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