I'm pleased to announce a new release of the mock module, the first in a while. Konrad Delong has joined me as a maintainer of mock and has been a great help in getting this release out. As there are several major new features this is a beta release, with 0.7.0 final coming out in a few weeks assuming there are no major problems discovered. Please download it and try it out:

* http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock/0.7.0b1

mock is a Python module that provides a core Mock class. It is intended to reduce the need for creating a host of trivial stubs throughout your test suite. After performing an action, you can make assertions about which methods / attributes were used and arguments they were called with. You can also specify return values and set needed attributes in the normal way.

mock is tested on Python versions 2.4-2.7 and Python 3.

Full documentation is included in the distribution.

Changes in 0.7.0 (including the much awaited magic method support) are:

* Addition of ``mocksignature``
* Ability to mock magic methods
* Ability to use patch and patch.object as class decorators
* Renamed ``patch_object`` to ``patch.object`` (``patch_object`` is deprecated)
* Addition of ``MagicMock`` class with all magic methods pre-created for you
* Python 3 compatibility (tested with 3.2 but should work with 3.0 & 3.1 as
* Addition of ``patch.dict(...)`` for changing dictionaries during a test
* Addition of ``mocksignature`` argument to ``patch`` and ``patch_object``
* ``help(mock)`` works now (on the module). Can no longer use ``__bases__``
  as a valid sentinel name (thanks to Stephen Emslie for reporting and
  diagnosing this)
* Addition of soft comparisons: call_args, call_args_list and method_calls
  return now tuple-like objects which compare equal even when empty args
  or kwargs are skipped
* Added some docstrings.
* BUGFIX: ``side_effect`` now works with ``BaseException`` exceptions like
* BUGFIX: patching the same object twice now restores the patches correctly
* The tests now require `unittest2 <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2>`_
  to run
* `Konrad Delong <http://konryd.blogspot.com/>`_ added as co-maintainer

The main tasks before a 0.7.0 final release are finishing the documentation and docstrings, plus allowing `patch.dict(...)` to act as a context manager (currently decorator only).

All the best,

Michael Foord


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