I am happy to announce flufl.enum version 4.0.

What is flufl.enum?  It is an enumeration package with a simple syntax, and
concise and specific semantics.  flufl.enum is compatible with Python 2.7,
3.2, and 3.3.  It is proposed for inclusion in Python 3.4 by way of PEP 435.
My thanks to Eli Bendersky for his help with both the code and in authoring
the PEP, as well as everyone who participated in discussions on python-dev,
python-ideas, and at the PyCon 2013 language summit.

Changes since 3.2:

 - Added the IntEnum variant.  When you create an enumeration with this base
   class, the resulting enum values *are* ints and can be used anywhere a
   Python int can be used, including in the C API.  (LP: #1132976)

 - make() is deprecated.  You can now just call Enum() or IntEnum() to
   programmatically create enumerations.  (LP: #1162375).  These constructors
   now also accept a space-separated string of attribute names which are
   auto-split and auto-numbered.  They also accept a dictionary mapping names
   to values.

 - IntEnums values support __index__() for slicing (LP: #1132972), as well
   as__int__() for coercion to a concrete integer.

 - EnumValue.__int__() is deprecated; use IntEnumValue (via IntEnum) instead.

 - EnumValues now have a .value attribute to access the actual, underlying
   value. (LP: #1132859)

 - Previously deprecated attributes .enumclass and .enumname have been
   removed, as well as the module function make_enum().  (LP: #1132951)

 - Minor API changes: the repr of enum values say "value=" instead of "int=",
   and multiple enum values in a single enum definition now raises ValueError
   instead of TypeError.

 - Single argument Enum() calling as a synonym for getitem is deprecated.

 - Other bugs fixed: LP: #1026403, LP: #1132830, LP: #1124596

Full documentation is available here:


The project home is at:


You can report bugs at:


Download the package from the Cheeseshop:


or from the Launchpad project page above.

Read PEP 435:



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