


   Mail users, especially in non-English countries, often find that mail
messages arrived in different formats, with different content types, in
different encodings and charsets. Usually this is good because it allows us to
use appropriate format/encoding/whatever. Sometimes, though, some unification
is desirable. For example, one may want to put mail messages into an archive,
make HTML indices, run search indexer, etc. In such situations converting
messages to text in one character set and skipping some binary attachments is
much desirable.

   Here is the solution - mimedecode.py.

   This is a program to decode MIME messages. The program expects one input
file (either on command line or on stdin) which is treated as an RFC822
message, and decodes to stdout or an output file. If the file is not an RFC822
message it is just copied to the output one-to-one. If the file is a simple
RFC822 message it is decoded as one part. If it is a MIME message with multiple
parts ("attachments") all parts are decoded. Decoding can be controlled by
command-line options.

WHAT'S NEW in version 2.4.0 (2014-03-08)

   Change option -d to accept a comma-separated list of headers:
-d h1,h2,h3,...

   Change option -d to decode all headers and accept a list of exceptions:
-d *,-h1,-h2,...

   Change option -p to accept lists of headers and parameters:
-p h1,h2,h3,..:p1,p2,p3,..

   Allow * and exceptions for -p in the headers and parameters lists:
-p *,-h1,-h2,-h3:p1,p2,p3
-p h1,h2,h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3
-p *,-h1,-h2,-h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3

   Change option -r to accept a list of headers: -r h1,h2,h3,...

   Change option -r to remove all headers and accept a list of exceptions:
-r *,-h1,-h2,...

   Change option -R to accept lists of headers and parameters:
-R h1,h2,h3:p1,p2,p3
-R h1,h2,h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3
-R *,-h1,-h2,-h3:p1,p2,p3
-R *,-h1,-h2,-h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3

   Publish docs in html format.

   Add ChangeLog.

WHAT'S NEW in version 2.3.7 (2014-02-23)

   Add option -r to remove headers and option -R to remove headers parameters.

   Home page: http://phdru.name/Software/Python/#mimedecode
    git clone http://git.phdru.name/mimedecode.git
    git clone  git://git.phdru.name/mimedecode.git

   Requires: Python 2.2.2+, m_lib 2.0+.

   Recommends: configured mailcap database.

   Documentation: http://phdru.name/Software/Python/mimedecode.html
      (also included in the package in html, man and txt formats).

   Oleg Broytman <p...@phdru.name>

   Copyright (C) 2001-2014 PhiloSoft Design.


     Oleg Broytman            http://phdru.name/            p...@phdru.name
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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