Wheelhouse is a utility to help maintain a wheelhouse.

The code for this project is rather basic, but it's the concept that counts. Putting the concept of a wheelhouse into practice has made managing dependencies for our projects across dev,
testing and production environments much, much easier.

Checkout Keg <https://github.com/level12/keg> to see a project which is using a wheelhouse in conjunction with tox to manage dependencies.

   What is a Wheelhouse?

A wheelhouse is a local cache of python packages in wheel format that gets committed with your code to your VCS. When installing packages during continuous integration and production, the wheels in the wheelhouse are used instead of depending on PyPI or some other network location.


 * Wheels are stored in your DVCS bringing further clarity to exactly
   what packages are needed/expected and how they have changed over time.
 * CI builds are faster and more consistent. Due to the increased speed
   of installing wheels from a local cache instead of pulling them from
   a network location, we can have tox start with a new virtualenv
   before every run, thereby insuring all dependencies have been
   specified and installed into the wheelhouse correctly.
 * Production deployments are similarly fast and consistent. Since the
   CI and production servers both pull from the same wheelhouse we have
   higher certainty that our production code is running against the
   exact same packages that have been tested.
 * Since wheels are built on development or build machines, the need
   for development system packages to be installed on production
   servers is removed.
 * Targeting forks, development versions, unpublished, and/or private
   software for production is much easier than setting up & maintaining
   a private PyPI server like devpi <http://doc.devpi.net/latest/>.
 * Splits the package management process into two distinct steps:
    1. Build packages (from various locations, with specified version)
       and put wheels in the wheelhouse.
    2. Install the latest version of a package from the wheelhouse.



*Randy Syring*
Husband | Father | Redeemed Sinner

/"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36 ESV)/


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