On behalf of the Nikola team, I am pleased to announce the immediate
availability of Nikola v7.8.4. It fixes some bugs and adds new

What is Nikola?

Nikola is a static site and blog generator, written in Python.
It can use Mako and Jinja2 templates, and input in many popular markup
formats, such as reStructuredText and Markdown — and can even turn
Jupyter (IPython) Notebooks into blog posts! It also supports image
galleries, and is multilingual. Nikola is flexible, and page builds
are extremely fast, courtesy of doit (which is rebuilding only what
has been changed).

Find out more at the website: https://getnikola.com/


Install using `pip install Nikola` or download tarballs on GitHub and PyPI:




* Refactor RSS feed generation to allow better plugin access
* Add Jupyter config as dependency for jupyter posts (by
* Make ``nikola plugin --list-installed`` more readable (Issue #2692)
* Accept ``now`` in post-list date conditions
  ``RSS_COPYRIGHT_FORMATS`` options in conf.py which can be disabled
  by specifying ``copyright_=False`` to ``generic_rss_renderer``, or
  overriden by specifying an explicit value.
* Write PID of detached ``nikola serve`` process to a file called
* Append file name (generated from title) if ``nikola new_post``
  receives directory name as path (Issue #2651)
* Add a ``require_all_tags`` parameter to the ``post-list`` directive to
  show only posts that have all specified tags. (Issue #2665)
* Add ``META_GENERATOR_TAG`` option in conf.py allowing the meta
  generator tag to be disabled (Issue #2628)
  ``HTML_TIDY_EXECUTABLE`` to configure executables for built-in
  filters. (Issue #2615)
* Allow setting custom GUID in feeds (Issue #2378)


* Remove misplaced and duplicated meta description tags (Issue #2694)
* Fix crash if ``PAGE_INDEX`` is enabled and make them actually work
  (Issues #2646, #2702)
* Ignore ``NEW_POST_DATE_PATH`` when creating pages (Issue #2699)
* Ensure ``post.updated`` is timezone-aware (Issue #2698)
* Pass previously missing post object and language to reST compiler
  and language to Markdown compiler (for shortcodes)
* Fix crashes when rendering subcategories (Issue #2681)
* Prevent writing cache files outside of the cache folder
  (Issue #2684)
* Fix mimetype guessing in auto mode (Issue #2645)
* Fix filters.html5lib_xmllike for laters html5lib (Issue #2648)
* Skip the current post in post lists (Issue #2666)
* Fix poor performance when compiling multiple markdown documents with
  the markdown compiler. (Issue #2660)
* Fix crash if ``SHOW_INDEX_PAGE_NAVIGATION`` is ``True`` while
  ``INDEXES_STATIC`` is ``False``. (Issue #2654)
* Make ``NEW_POST_DATE_PATH`` follow ``rrule`` if it exists (Issue

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