I'm pleased to announce the release of Datatest version 0.11.0.

Datatest implements a system of *validation* methods, *difference*
classes, and *acceptance* context managers. It can be used directly
in your own projects or as part of a testing framework like pytest
or unittest.

This is a large and long-awaited update. If you are upgrading
from an older version of datatest, pay special attention to the
installation steps below.


* Complete rewrite of Introduction, How-to, and Discussion docs:
    - https://datatest.readthedocs.io/
* Added extension accessors for tighter Pandas integration.
* Added features for NumPy and Squint integration.
* Fixed bug with `pytest-xdist` interoperability.
* Modifies some user-facing APIs to improve usability.
* Moved the query API into a separate project, **squint**:
    - https://pypi.org/project/squint/
* Moved `get_reader()` into a separate project, **get-reader**:
    - https://pypi.org/project/get-reader/

For more information see:
    - https://github.com/shawnbrown/datatest/blob/master/CHANGELOG


- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/datatest/
- GitHub: https://github.com/shawnbrown/datatest
- Docs: https://datatest.readthedocs.io/en/stable/


The easiest way to install datatest is to use pip:

   `pip install datatest`

If you aren't worried about supporting a codebase of older scripts,
upgrade an existing installation with:

   `pip install --upgrade datatest`

If you have an existing codebase of older datatest scripts, you should
upgrade using the following steps:

1: Install datatest 0.10.0 first:

   `pip install --force-reinstall datatest==0.10.0`

2: Run your existing code and check for DeprecationWarnings.

3: Update the parts of your code that use deprecated features.

4: Once your code is running without DeprecationWarnings,
   install the latest version of datatest, 0.11.0:

   `pip install --upgrade datatest`
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