douglas bagnall <> added the comment:

Earlier this year I wrote Python wrappers for a number of generators:

They are mostly cryptographic stream ciphers from the ESTREAM[1] project, but I 
was also interested in dSFMT[2], which is a SIMD optimised descendant of 
MT19937 which runs several times faster and directly produces doubles using 
cunning bit tricks.


Wrapped in Python, the stream ciphers ran about as fast as MT19937 on my 
laptop, while dSFMT took about two thirds the time to run a 
"random();random();random();..." test.  For a slightly more realistic test 
("sum(random() for x in range(N))"), the performance levelled right off.  As 

The stream cipher generators have some good properties.  They generally 
generate random bytes using something analogous to hash('%s%s' % seed, 
counter), which means different seeds produce well separated streams, and to 
skip forward or back in the stream, you just adjust the counter.  This would 
allow the reinstatement of Random()'s stream-skipping function, which some 
people (e.g. L'Ecuyer) think is important. (incidentally, the MT people have 
come up with a jump-ahead algorithm for MT

Of the ciphers I tried, the chacha/salsa family and sosemanuk had the best 
combination of good testing and portable, reasonably fast, openly licensed C 
implementations.  HC128 and snow2 also perform well.

The chacha code is shorter than sosemanuk, so I would choose that.  It is used 
as a primitive in the BLAKE SHA3 candidate, which is a vote of confidence and 
an attractor of testing for the algorithm.

nosy: +dbagnall

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