Jesús Cea Avión <> added the comment:

Antoine, the problem with this test is the timeout. We can set an arbitrary 
timeout, but how big is big enough?.

My change doesn't need a timeout at all. Problem solved.

The only "cosmetic" problem is the risk of "leaking" a thread. But it would not 
affect the testsuite if it is a daemon thread, and we would only "leak" if the 
test fails, not under normal circunstances. The complexities suggested are 
heroic effords trying to manage that thread when simply ignoring it would be 

I could set a timeout of 5 minutes just to satisfy you, but for that time the 
test should have been done yet, and the thread collected anyway. I see that 
more a hack that actually setting the thread to daemon and forget it, knowing 
that it will automatically die when done.


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