Ned Deily added the comment:

The problem is a regression in the latest version of ActiveTcl 8.5 for OS X, 
specifically (and I believe the previous version  It has 
nothing directly to do with Python or how you might build Python other than 
whether dynamically links with 
/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Verisons/8.5 and 
/Library/Framework/Tk.framework/Verisons/8.5 (the locations where ActiveTcl 
install) as opposed to /System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/... and 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/..., the Apple-supplied versions.  And, 
if so, which version of ActiveTcl you have installed.  The 64-bit 
Pythons are vulnerable, the 32-bit-obly ones are not because they link with 
Tcl/Tk 8.4.

Unfortunately, ActiveState only makes available the most recent version of 
ActiveTcl on its Community Edition pages, so, unless you have access to a copy 
of an older version of ActiveTcl (like, the previous version), you're 
kind of stuck with the behavior, unless you remove ActiveTcl 8.5 and revert to 
Apple's Tk which is vulnerable to other crashes that have been fixed in 
ActiveState's (and is totally broken in OS X 10.6). Or you use the 32-bit 
installer and Tcl/Tk 8.4.  Or you build your own version of Tcl/Tk 8.5 (I've 
stared looking at that).  By the way, ActiveState's own ActivePython 2.7 also 
crashes the same way when using 8.5.12.x.  I've pinged the Tcl Mac mailing 
list.  Unless there's an immediate fix, I'll see what I can find in Tk.


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