Christopher the Magnificent added the comment:

As Darren Dale pointed out, it looks like this is a (partial) documentation 
issue.  I think it's plausible that someone like me, who has used 
abstractmethod by itself, would read the docs for abstractclassmethod and not 
re-read the docs on abstract method to know that he needs to put the one 
decorator first and other other second.

Changing Python to make it indifferent to the order of classmethod and 
abstractmethod wouldn't be a bad idea if it isn't too hairy to implement, since 
it does not seem to be intuitive to me and probably others that the order of 
the decorators in this specific situation should matter.

At bare minimum, I recommend that the documentation for abstractclassmethod and 
abstractstaticmethod should be updated to indicate not merely that 
abstractmethod and either classmethod or staticmethod should be used together, 
but IN WHICH ORDER they should be used, if it is decided to preserve the 
sensitivity to ordering.



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