Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

> If you are planning to further split, then I'm -1.

Ezio, this issue is not to split up  Nick already responded to you 
to this effect in the fourth comment above.  Also, in the second comment to 
this issue, I said that this issue was to move as is into 
support/, and then to move as is into the package.

> Having several modules doesn't solve the problem of discoverability

We already have more than one module.  This issue helps discoverability by 
grouping them in one place so people know what support modules there are.  In 
other words, this issue addresses the following problem you mentioned:

"Both these issues were probably caused by the fact that people didn't know 
about and ended up implementing their own versions of the 
functions either in the test files or in  Something similar 
happened with requires_zlib (and possibly a few others)..."

> So it is fair to ask what *specific* benefits such a restructuring may have.

Martin, see the paragraph above.  In addition, this change makes it easier to 
search whatever support modules we have.  It also provides a place to put new 
support modules to avoid further exacerbating the discoverability problem 
stated above.


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