Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

If you wish to pursue this, I suggest starting with 'the simplest thing that 
works' for the text cases at hand. They all involve 'mode' and you have not 
presented and I cannot think of other cases. So somewhere in the signature 
generation code:
  if function name in <set> and parameter_name == 'mode':

If more generality is really needed, pick a new reserved attribute for 
functions and set it at the time of definition.
    def open(file, flag='r', mode=0o666):
    open.__param_rep__ = {'mode': 'octal'} #or whatever is chosen

I suppose the advantage of adding the syntactic sugar of a decorator, after 
getting the above to work, is that the doc could be hidden away in the inspect 
model, where is would be easily ignored.\

Still, this does seem like a lot of 'noise' for a small bit of extra 'signal' 


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