Ezio Melotti added the comment:

I think that's expected and by design.  In Python 3 there are no unbound 
methods, but simply functions:
>>> class X:
...   def add(a, b): return a+b
>>> add = X.add
>>> add
<function add at 0xb740d26c>
>>> add(3, 4)
>>> def add(a, b): return a+b
>>> add
<function add at 0xb740d22c>
>>> add(3, 4)

As you can see there's no real difference between the two "add".

It's different though with bound methods (obtained from an instance rather than 
a class):

>>> add = X().add
>>> add
<bound method X.add of <__main__.X object at 0xb740e0ec>>

The documentation is also clear that ismethod() "Return true if the object is a 
bound method written in Python.".  Maybe an additional note can be added to 
state that "unbound methods" are not included, and that are instead recognized 
by isfunction().

assignee:  -> docs@python
components: +Documentation -Library (Lib)
keywords: +easy
nosy: +docs@python, ezio.melotti
stage:  -> needs patch
type: behavior -> enhancement
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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