Charles-François Natali added the comment:

> I think that this needs extensive tests that verify the behavior of many end 
> cases, including under duress (e.g. when there are too many connections for 
> the kernel to handle).  That would seem the only way to make sure that the 
> code is reliable across platforms.  It is likely that you could borrow some 
> ideas for test scenarios from Twisted.

Will do.

I'm adding a new version taking into account some of Giampaolo's remarks.

Also, the API now also allows passing a file descriptor or any object
with a `fileno()` method, since it will likely be useful.

To sum up, the API is:

    def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
        """Register a file object.

        fileobj -- file object
        events  -- events to monitor (bitwise mask of SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT)
        data    -- attached data

    def unregister(self, fileobj):
        """Unregister a file object.

        fileobj -- file object

    def modify(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
        """Change a registered file object monitored events or attached data.

        fileobj -- file object
        events  -- events to monitor (bitwise mask of SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT)
        data    -- attached data

    def select(self, timeout=None):
        """Perform the actual selection, until some monitored file objects are
        ready or a timeout expires.

        timeout -- if timeout > 0, this specifies the maximum wait time, in
                   if timeout == 0, the select() call won't block, and will
                   report the currently ready file objects
                   if timeout is None, select() will block until a monitored
                   file object becomes ready

        list of (fileobj, events, attached data) for ready file objects
        `events` is a bitwise mask of SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT output looks a lot like poll()/epoll() except for
two details: the output is the file object, and not the file
descriptor (poll()/epoll() are unfortunately inconsistent in this
regard), and there's a third field, the attached data (will be None if
not provided in register()/modify()). I think that this optional field
is really useful to pass e.g. a callback or some context information.

Added file:

Python tracker <>
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+"""Select module.
+This module supports asynchronous I/O on multiple file descriptors.
+from _select import *
+# generic events, that must be mapped to implementation-specific ones
+# read event
+SELECT_IN  = (1 << 0)
+# write event
+SELECT_OUT = (1 << 1)
+def _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj):
+    """Return a file descriptor from a file object.
+    Parameters:
+    fileobj -- file descriptor, or any object with a `fileno()` method
+    Returns:
+    corresponding file descriptor
+    """
+    if isinstance(fileobj, int):
+        fd = fileobj
+    else:
+        try:
+            fd = int(fileobj.fileno())
+        except (ValueError, TypeError):
+            raise ValueError("Invalid file object: {!r}".format(fileobj))
+    return fd
+class _Key:
+    """Object used internally to associate a file object to its backing file
+    descriptor and attached data."""
+    def __init__(self, fileobj, data=None):
+        self.fileobj = fileobj
+ = data
+        self.fd = _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
+class _BaseSelector:
+    """Base selector class.
+    A selector supports registering file objects to be monitored for specific
+    I/O events.
+    A file object is a file descriptor or any object with a `fileno()` method.
+    An arbitrary object can be attached to the file object, which can be used
+    for example to store context information, a callback, etc.
+    A selector can use various implementations (select(), poll(), epoll()...)
+    depending on the platform. The default `Selector` class uses the most
+    performant implementation on the current platform.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # this maps file descriptors to keys
+        self._fd_to_key = {}
+        # this maps file objects to keys - for fast (un)registering
+        self._fileobj_to_key = {}
+    def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
+        """Register a file object.
+        Parameters:
+        fileobj -- file object
+        events  -- events to monitor (bitwise mask of SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT)
+        data    -- attached data
+        """
+        if (not events) or (events & ~(SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT)):
+            raise ValueError("Invalid events: {}".format(events))
+        if fileobj in self._fileobj_to_key:
+            raise ValueError("{!r} is already registered".format(fileobj))
+        key = _Key(fileobj, data)
+        self._fd_to_key[key.fd] = key
+        self._fileobj_to_key[fileobj] = key
+        return key
+    def unregister(self, fileobj):
+        """Unregister a file object.
+        Parameters:
+        fileobj -- file object
+        """
+        try:
+            key = self._fileobj_to_key[fileobj]
+            del self._fd_to_key[key.fd]
+            del self._fileobj_to_key[fileobj]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ValueError("{!r} is not registered".format(fileobj))
+        return key
+    def modify(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
+        """Change a registered file object monitored events or attached data.
+        Parameters:
+        fileobj -- file object
+        events  -- events to monitor (bitwise mask of SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT)
+        data    -- attached data
+        """
+        self.unregister(fileobj)
+        self.register(fileobj, events, data)
+    def select(self, timeout=None):
+        """Perform the actual selection, until some monitored file objects are
+        ready or a timeout expires.
+        Parameters:
+        timeout -- if timeout > 0, this specifies the maximum wait time, in
+                   seconds
+                   if timeout == 0, the select() call won't block, and will
+                   report the currently ready file objects
+                   if timeout is None, select() will block until a monitored
+                   file object becomes ready
+        Returns:
+        list of (fileobj, events, attached data) for ready file objects
+        `events` is a bitwise mask of SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the selector.
+        This must be called to make sure that any underlying resource is freed.
+        """
+        self._fd_to_key.clear()
+        self._fileobj_to_key.clear()
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *args):
+        self.close()
+    def _key_from_fd(self, fd):
+        """Return the key associated to a given file descriptor.
+        Parameters:
+        fd -- file descriptor
+        Returns:
+        corresponding key
+        """
+        try:
+            return self._fd_to_key[fd]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise RuntimeError("No key found for fd {}".format(fd))
+class SelectSelector(_BaseSelector):
+    """Select-based selector."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._readers = set()
+        self._writers = set()
+    def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
+        key = super().register(fileobj, events, data)
+        if events & SELECT_IN:
+            self._readers.add(key.fd)
+        if events & SELECT_OUT:
+            self._writers.add(key.fd)
+    def unregister(self, fileobj):
+        key = super().unregister(fileobj)
+        self._readers.discard(key.fd)
+        self._writers.discard(key.fd)
+    def select(self, timeout=None):
+        r, w, _ = select(self._readers, self._writers, [], timeout)
+        r = set(r)
+        w = set(w)
+        ready = []
+        for fd in r | w:
+            events = 0
+            if fd in r:
+                events |= SELECT_IN
+            if fd in w:
+                events |= SELECT_OUT
+            key = self._key_from_fd(fd)
+            ready.append((key.fileobj, events,
+        return ready
+class PollSelector(_BaseSelector):
+    """Poll-based selector."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._poll = poll()
+    def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
+        key = super().register(fileobj, events, data)
+        poll_events = 0
+        if events & SELECT_IN:
+            poll_events |= POLLIN
+        if events & SELECT_OUT:
+            poll_events |= POLLOUT
+        self._poll.register(key.fd, poll_events)
+    def unregister(self, fileobj):
+        key = super().unregister(fileobj)
+        self._poll.unregister(key.fd)
+    def select(self, timeout=None):
+        timeout = None if timeout is None else int(1000 * timeout)
+        ready = []
+        for fd, event in self._poll.poll(timeout):
+            events = 0
+            if event & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL):
+                # in case of error, signal read and write ready
+                events |= SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT
+            else:
+                if event & (POLLIN|POLLHUP):
+                    # in case of hangup, signal read ready
+                    events |= SELECT_IN
+                if event & POLLOUT:
+                    events |= SELECT_OUT
+            key = self._key_from_fd(fd)
+            ready.append((key.fileobj, events,
+        return ready
+class EpollSelector(_BaseSelector):
+    """Epoll-based selector."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self._epoll = epoll()
+    def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None):
+        key = super().register(fileobj, events, data)
+        epoll_events = 0
+        if events & SELECT_IN:
+            epoll_events |= EPOLLIN
+        if events & SELECT_OUT:
+            epoll_events |= EPOLLOUT
+        self._epoll.register(key.fd, epoll_events)
+    def unregister(self, fileobj):
+        key = super().unregister(fileobj)
+        self._epoll.unregister(key.fd)
+    def select(self, timeout=None):
+        timeout = -1 if timeout is None else timeout
+        ready = []
+        for fd, event in self._epoll.poll(timeout):
+            events = 0
+            if event & EPOLLERR:
+                # in case of error, signal read and write ready
+                events |= SELECT_IN|SELECT_OUT
+            else:
+                if event & (EPOLLIN|EPOLLHUP):
+                    # in case of hangup, signal read ready
+                    events |= SELECT_IN
+                if event & EPOLLOUT:
+                    events |= SELECT_OUT
+            key = self._key_from_fd(fd)
+            ready.append((key.fileobj, events,
+        return ready
+    def close(self):
+        super().close()
+        self._epoll.close()
+# Choose the best implementation: roughly, epoll|kqueue > poll > select.
+# select() also can't accept a FD > FD_SETSIZE (usually around 1024)
+if 'epoll' in globals():
+    Selector = EpollSelector
+elif 'poll' in globals():
+    Selector = PollSelector
+    Selector = SelectSelector
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
 import errno
 import os
+import random
 import select
 import sys
 import unittest
 from test import support
+def find_ready_matching(ready, flag):
+    match = []
+    for fd, mode, data in ready:
+        if mode & flag:
+            match.append(fd)
+    return match
                  "can't easily test on this system")
 class SelectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -75,9 +85,172 @@
         a[:] = [F()] * 10
         self.assertEqual([], a, []), ([], a[:5], []))
+class BasicSelectorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_constants(self):
+        select.SELECT_IN
+        select.SELECT_OUT
+class BaseSelectorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_error_conditions(self):
+        s = self.SELECTOR()
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.register)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.register, 0)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.register, 0, 18)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.unregister, 0, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.modify, 0)
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError,, 0, 1)
+    def test_basic(self):
+        with self.SELECTOR() as s:
+            rd, wr = os.pipe()
+            wro = os.fdopen(os.dup(wr), "wb")
+            self.addCleanup(os.close, rd)
+            self.addCleanup(os.close, wr)
+            self.addCleanup(wro.close)
+            # test without attached data
+            s.register(wr, select.SELECT_OUT)
+            self.assertEqual(set(((wr, select.SELECT_OUT, None),)), 
+            # test with attached data
+            s.unregister(wr)
+            s.register(wr, select.SELECT_OUT, sys.stdin)
+            self.assertEqual(set(((wr, select.SELECT_OUT, sys.stdin),)), 
+            # test with file object
+            s.register(wro, select.SELECT_OUT)
+            self.assertEqual(set(((wro, select.SELECT_OUT, None),
+                                 (wr, select.SELECT_OUT, sys.stdin))), 
+            s.unregister(wro)
+            # modify
+            s.modify(wr, select.SELECT_OUT, sys.stdout)
+            self.assertEqual(set(((wr, select.SELECT_OUT, sys.stdout),)), 
+            # test timeout
+            s.unregister(wr)
+            s.register(rd, select.SELECT_IN)
+            self.assertFalse(
+            s.register(wr, select.SELECT_OUT)
+            self.assertEqual(set(((wr, select.SELECT_OUT, None),)),
+                             set(
+            s.unregister(rd)
+            s.unregister(wr)
+            # unregistering twice should raise an error
+            self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.unregister, wr)
+    def test_selector(self):
+        s = self.SELECTOR()
+        self.addCleanup(s.close)
+        NUM_PIPES = 12
+        MSG = b" This is a test."
+        MSG_LEN = len(MSG)
+        readers = []
+        writers = []
+        r2w = {}
+        w2r = {}
+        for i in range(NUM_PIPES):
+            rd, wr = os.pipe()
+            s.register(rd, select.SELECT_IN)
+            s.register(wr, select.SELECT_OUT)
+            readers.append(rd)
+            writers.append(wr)
+            r2w[rd] = wr
+            w2r[wr] = rd
+        bufs = []
+        while writers:
+            ready =
+            ready_writers = find_ready_matching(ready, select.SELECT_OUT)
+            if not ready_writers:
+      "no pipes ready for writing")
+            wr = random.choice(ready_writers)
+            os.write(wr, MSG)
+            ready =
+            ready_readers = find_ready_matching(ready, select.SELECT_IN)
+            if not ready_readers:
+      "no pipes ready for reading")
+            self.assertEqual([w2r[wr]], ready_readers)
+            rd = ready_readers[0]
+            buf =, MSG_LEN)
+            self.assertEqual(len(buf), MSG_LEN)
+            bufs.append(buf)
+            os.close(r2w[rd]) ; os.close(rd)
+            s.unregister(r2w[rd])
+            s.unregister(rd)
+            writers.remove(r2w[rd])
+        self.assertEqual(bufs, [MSG] * NUM_PIPES)
+    def test_timeout(self):
+        s = self.SELECTOR()
+        self.addCleanup(s.close)
+        cmd = 'for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do echo testing...; sleep 1; done'
+        p = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
+        s.register(p.fileno(), select.SELECT_IN, p)
+        for tout in (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16) + (None,)*10:
+            if support.verbose:
+                print('timeout =', tout)
+            ready =
+            if not ready:
+                continue
+            if set(ready) == set(((p.fileno(), select.SELECT_IN, p),)):
+                line = p.readline()
+                if support.verbose:
+                    print(repr(line))
+                if not line:
+                    if support.verbose:
+                        print('EOF')
+                    break
+                continue
+  'Unexpected return values from select(): %r' % ready)
+        p.close()
+                 "can't easily test on this system")
+class SelectorTestCase(BaseSelectorTestCase):
+    SELECTOR = select.Selector
+class SelectSelectorTestCase(BaseSelectorTestCase):
+    SELECTOR = select.SelectSelector
+@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(select, 'poll'), "Test needs select.poll()")
+class PollSelectorTestCase(BaseSelectorTestCase):
+    SELECTOR = select.PollSelector
+@unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(select, 'epoll'), "Test needs select.epoll()")
+class EpollSelectorTestCase(BaseSelectorTestCase):
+    SELECTOR = select.EpollSelector
 def test_main():
-    support.run_unittest(SelectTestCase)
+    tests = [SelectTestCase]
+    tests.extend([BasicSelectorTestCase, SelectorTestCase,
+                  SelectSelectorTestCase, PollSelectorTestCase,
+                  EpollSelectorTestCase])
+    support.run_unittest(*tests)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/Modules/selectmodule.c b/Modules/selectmodule.c
--- a/Modules/selectmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/selectmodule.c
@@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@
 static struct PyModuleDef selectmodule = {
-    "select",
+    "_select",
@@ -2143,7 +2143,7 @@
     PyObject *m;
     m = PyModule_Create(&selectmodule);
diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
         # select(2); not on ancient System V
-        exts.append( Extension('select', ['selectmodule.c']) )
+        exts.append( Extension('_select', ['selectmodule.c']) )
         # Fred Drake's interface to the Python parser
         exts.append( Extension('parser', ['parsermodule.c']) )
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