Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

My first concern is whether this is a behavior issue that can be fixed in the 
next 3.3 release or an enhancement request that should wait for 3.4.

If Signature.from_function were documented in the manual with the current 
limitation, this issue would definitely be an enhancement request. But it is 
not even mentioned in the manual. I presume this is intentional as it is pretty 
clearly not meant to be called directly but only from signature(). Perhaps its 
should have been given a leading underscore to mark it as private.

The docstring does say 'python function'. However, its type check is redundant 
with the guard in signature before its call. So in normal usage, it can never 
fail. Moreover, the limitation is completely unnecessary even for pure Python 
code, as shown the the ease of creating a funclike class for the test. It is 
contrary to Python policy and stdlib practice. So in a sense, it is a bug.

My conclusion: the proposed change is an enhancement bugfix (or bugfix 
enhancement?) for an undocumented private function. So I think it ok for 3.3, 
but would not blame anyone who disagreed.

I agree with Éric that the exception should not be changed, not just because it 
would be a change, but because is would be a wrong change. 
Signature.from_function(42) *is* a type error. The fact that the type error is 
detected by attribute rather than by class is not relevant to external callers. 
So please wrap the
   # Parameter information.
section of the code with try: except AttributeError, as a substitute for the 
current too-narrow type check. Leave the message as it, except possibly add the 
object that fails:
 "{} is not a function".format(func)

The change to signature has no effect on .from_function but makes it consistent 
with the rest of the module.

nosy: +terry.reedy

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