Demian Brecht added the comment:

@Terry: I don't think that the name change is unnecessary as the patch changes 
the semantics of the the LWP and Mozilla Cookie classes. In the patch, they no 
longer /are/ a subclass of a CookieJar, but they take a CookieJar object and 
implement the FileCookieProcessor interface in order to save/load/revert 
file-based cookies.

This solves the problem of an abstract base class (or at least, what was 
/intended/ to be an abstract base class prior to abcs: FileCookieJar) extending 
a concrete class, which doesn't make sense from an architectural standpoint. It 
also fixes the problem that people are encountering when attempting to 
instantiate a FileCookieJar object, it doesn't just patch something that's 
fundamentally broken. It could be my lack of experience with large scale OSS, 
but I'd prefer a /correct/ fix (especially to something that few actually care 
about and is seemingly not in heavy use) over a duct taped "just make it work" 

I absolutely agree, however, that this is a rather large change (as far as the 
cookiejar module goes anyway) and shouldn't be taken lightly. However, the 
cookiejar module /is/ in need of some love and I think that this takes a step 
to giving it that.

@py.user: My proposal was made to python-ideas. I just prefer gmane to Google 
Group for links.


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