New submission from Sven Slootweg:

When faced with a subclass of int like a psutil constant (such as for process 
status), that actually returns a non-numeric string when used with str(), the 
JSON module will serialize it as a string without quotes.

An example... Code (Python):

[...] "key": psutil._common.constant(0, "value"), "otherkey": "real string"  

Output (JSON):

[...] "key": value, "otherkey": "real string" [...]

Due to the missing quotes around 'value', the JSON data is corrupted.

The cause appears to be that the JSON module, when faced with an int (or 
subclass thereof), will use the string representation in the serialized data, 
which would normally be the integer as a string. This example uses a psutil 
constant, but this would occur with any int subclass that doesn't return itself 
as string representation.

I'm not entirely sure how to resolve this issue or whether it can be resolved 
at all, as all possible solutions appear to have negative side-effects for more 
common cases. I'd imagine that checking whether the resulting string is 
numeric, besides being error-prone, would also cause unreasonable overhead 
during serialization.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 183653
nosy: joepie91
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: JSON module in standard library behaves incorrectly on input like a 
psutil constant
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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