Ned Jackson Lovely added the comment:

Hi Luke,

I've prepared two versions of this test. The first, issue5051-take2.diff, 
retains the environ.clear(), but saves and sets COMSPEC and PATH in the same 
update call as the "HELLO" variable.

The second, and in my opinion more reasonable test, makes sure that "HELLO" 
isn't already set, sets it using update, then makes sure it is set properly.

In both cases, the currently running python executable, fetched via 
sys.executable and run using os.popen, is used to print the value, instead of 
the shell's echo. This moves things closer towards cross-platform niceness, and 
removes the dependency on /bin/sh.

Unfortunately, I don't have a Windows machine readily available to test this 
on. Could apply your preferred patch, run it for me, and let me know if you 
have any problems?



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