Nick Coghlan added the comment:

I've added 2.7 to the affected versions - the core unittest framework should be 
present in all 3 versions, so the choice of if/when to backport a fix and its 
test can be made on a case-by-case basis, rather than being a foregone 
conclusion due to the lack of IDLE test infrastructure in 2.7

If/when mock is used in any tests, then a compatibility module isn't actually 
needed, 3.3 and 3.4 can just use "from unittest import mock" while 2.7 can use 
"mock = support.import_module('mock')" (so those tests will run if you arrange 
to make the mock backport from PyPI available when running the tests, but will 
be skipped otherwise).

Terry, are you happy with that plan? If so, over to you to get the ball rolling 
and commit this as a starting point :)

versions: +Python 2.7

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