New submission from R. Jayakrishnan:

This is to create an IDLE extension that would integrate PEP8 (Syntax Style 
Checker ) into the IDLE editor window,so the 
developer who is using the IDLE editor can quickly and frequently check the 
PEP8 standards of the code which is being developed in an IDLE editor window. 
Many modern IDE's have not only syntax highlighting but on the fly syntax 

Python ensures the quality of code with its own standards implemented as PEP8. 
The tool pep8 checks Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP8. 
Also the PEP8 standardization should not be a ‘must emphasizing’ for a python 
developer, therefore configuring pep8 to enable/disable errors and warning in 
various levels should be implemented.

The implementation work is started by Todd at

The submitted patch is an effort started from Todd's patch as an example. 
The IDLE with this patch will show PEP8 style check toggle menu in Options.
Once PEP8 check enabled the current module is checked by pep8 tool and the 
defects will be shown in a extended left pane. 
Defect codes will be listed as a Buttons, button click leads to highlighting 
the line and column of the defect and scroll editor window if needed. 
It is expected that the developer will correct the defect with the help of the 
message and eventually press the Resolve button,which refresh the pane.

This is an initial work and I am looking forward for suggestions on 
improvements and mistakes of this patch.

components: IDLE
files: PEP8Extension_1.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 194841
nosy: JayKrish
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE: PEP8 Style Check Integration
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
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