Nick Coghlan added the comment:

While working on this, I noticed a number of other issues with the dis API 
additions for Python 3.4 from issue 11816. Specifically:

- the file output redirection API didn't work in some cases that resulted in 
calls to other disassembly functions
- Bytecode.show_info() replicates a bad module level API that shouldn't be 
- Bytecode.display_code() is better converted to a dis() method that returns a 
string rather than writing directly to an output stream

keywords: +patch
nosy: +larry, rfk, rhettinger
priority: normal -> release blocker
title: Rename "line_offset" parameter in dis.get_instructions to "first_line" 
-> Clean up Python 3.4 API additions in the dis module
versions: +Python 3.4
Added file:

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