Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Exactly what are people doing in the save dialog when they have problems? If 
they are saving to a standard path under Computer (on the left side bar), there 
should be no problem. If they are saving to some place listed under Libraries, 
such as Documents, then this is a known problem in 3.2 that was fixed in 3.3 by 
using a later version of Tk. See #12988 (and #14996). If this is the case, this 
issue is a duplicate and should be closed. Your description of Idle 'freezing', 
rather than closing, sounds like this is the same issue.

Ask the Pygame people to prepare a 3.3 binary and one for 3.4 as soon as it is 
released (or even now, for the upcoming beta).

When Idle closes, rather than freezing, you should be able to get error 
messages, without access to Command Prompt, by running the standard 
white-on-black, text-mode python.exe interpreter in interactive mode.

In the interpreter window, start Idle in a new window like so:
>>> import idlelib.idle

While using Idle, nothing should appear in in the original window, though there 
may be some TclError messages that can be ignored. When Idle stops, a prompt 
will appear in the original window. If Idle stops abnormally, a trackback and 
error message should appear before the prompt.

Note that the above only works on the first import. If you repeat
>>> import idlelib.idle
the code in idlelib.idle does not get rerun and Idle will not start. You have 
to exit and restart python.exe.

In order for Idle to run, python.exe has to be present somewhere. But if it has 
been hidden or somehow blocked, you can try the same thing  as above but from 
an Idle Shell window. In other words, start a second Idle Shell from the first. 
I just cannot guarantee that this will work as well. If it does, the import 
will work again after Cntl-F6, Shell/Restart Shell.

nosy: +terry.reedy

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