mike bayer added the comment:

well Adam, you might also be surprised to see pysqlite not doing very well on 
the *other* side of the equation either; that is, when it *begins* the 
transaction.  Issue http://bugs.python.org/issue9924 refers to this and like 
this one, hasn't seen any activity since 2011.  You might be interested in the 
rationale on that one, which is that python apps may wish to have some degree 
of concurrency against a sqlite file for an application that is doing all 

I am certainly in favor of a pure pep-249 approach that emits BEGIN on the 
first execute() call period, and never implicitly rolls back or commits.  

However, I disagree this should be enabled by default nor that there should not 
be any option for the old behavior.  I also think the "delayed BEGIN" feature 
should still be available to counteract SQLite's particular difficulty with 

If there is code that relies upon a bug in order to function, which would then 
fail to function in that way if the bug is fixed, then by definition fixing 
that bug is a backwards-incompatible change.   Python std lib can't afford to 
roll out a change that blatantly backwards-incompatible.   The issue regarding 
comments not being parsed unfortunately should also be a separate issue that 
needs to be fixed, as nasty as it is that pysqlite tries to parse SQL.

I disagree that most users are expecting SQLite's DDL to be transactional; 
transactional DDL is a luxury feature to many, including the vast numbers of 
developers that use MySQL, not to mention Oracle, neither of which have any 
transactional DDL capabilities.


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