Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

On 1/28/2014 4:48 AM, Stefan Krah wrote:
> Stefan Krah added the comment:
> I think test_idle is failing on many build slaves following this
> commit.

The two failures I saw on the first 4 3.x bots with Idle failures are 
the result of changes in the list docstrings. I presume these are 
related to use of Argument Clinic. I knew and documented that such 
failure was a possibility.

On my Win 7 machine

Jan 20, 32-bit repository build just before I added the tests that now fail.
 >>> list.__doc__
"list() -> new empty list\nlist(iterable) -> new list initialized from 
iterable's items"
 >>> list.__init__.__doc__
'x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature'

Jan 26, 64-bit installed 3.4.0b3:
 >>> list.__doc__
"list(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items"
 >>> list.__init__.__doc__
'Initializes self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.'

At some point, I will switch to using inspect.signature for Idle 
calltips and simplify the Idle code. I will also simplify the tests and 
make them more robust.

I will re-compile and adjust the tests by the end of the day.



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