R. David Murray added the comment:

The fact that you say the method is "_junk(self)" and say the other classes 
don't override it makes me think you are thinking that methods with the same 
name are different from a subclasses perspective if they have different 
signatures.  In Python this is not true.  You cannot have methods with the same 
name and different signatures in the same class, so in Python "override" means 
"has a method with the same name".  Therefore the implementation is currently 
behaving in accordance with the documentation.

Checking for compatible signatures would be a new feature by our rules 
regardless of whether it is considered an API bug or not.  This is because it 
could cause existing working programs to break, and so can't be changed in a 
maintenance release.

I think I agree with Terry that this should be discussed on python-ideas first, 
although insofar as ABCs are useful, it seems like a reasonable feature to me.  
And probably not hard to do now that we have signature objects.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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