Andrey added the comment:

There are just three simple steps to setup ABI checker:

1. Create ABI dump of the _reference_ version (see instructions [1]) and commit 
it to the source tree (ABI-ref.dump):

$> abi-compliance-checker -l python -dump descriptor.xml -dump-path ABI-ref.dump

2. Create ABI dump of the _current_ version (ABI-cur.dump)
3. Compare these ABI dumps:

$> abi-compliance-checker -l python -old ABI-ref.dump -new ABI-cur.dump 
-report-path abi-report.html

To skip analysis of symbols with leading underscore pass this additional option 
to the tool when comparing ABI dumps: --skip-internal="\A_"

For more information see [2].


nosy: +aponomarenko

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