New submission from Michael Foord:

stopall does not always stop all patches to single target

What steps will reproduce the problem?

python code to reproduce error

import mock

def myfunc():
   return 'hello'

m = mock.patch('__main__.myfunc').start()
m.return_value = 'firstmock'

m2 = mock.patch('__main__.myfunc').start()
m2.return_value = 'secondmock'


What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I would expect the output from above to be:

Instead, sometimes it comes out as:

This result is non-deterministic though so it may also come out as expected. 
Re-run several times to get the error.

This is a result of using a set to store the active patches. Conversion from a 
set to a list is non-deterministic because the set has no notion of order.

Please provide any additional information below.

This use case may seem strange, but it shows up in large unit tests where a 
base class sets up a default patch to catch external calls or something similar 
and then an individual unit test requiring specific mock behavior patches it 

I have a patch here that fixes the problem using a list to store the patches to 
maintain order and call them in reverse order to stop them in the correct order.

assignee: michael.foord
messages: 216322
nosy: michael.foord
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: unittest.mock.patch.stopall intermittently doesn't work when the same 
thing is patched multiple times
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5

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