Russell Ballestrini added the comment:


You bring up some great points and insight I was missing.

"To me the scores just aren't interesting beyond which words' scores exceed a 
cutoff, and the ordering of words based on their similarity scores - but 
`get_close_matches()` already captures those uses."

For a *word*, and a corpus of *possibilities*, how does one choose a 
satisfactory *cutoff* without inspecting the output of the scoring algorithm?

Personally, I don't want to inpect scores for inspection sake, I want to 
inspect scores so I can make an informed decision for the *n* and *cutoff* 
input arguments.

Its true that after reading and digesting the source code for 
`get_close_matches()` I could (and did) implement a version that returns 
scores.  My goal was to share this code and what better way then to "fix" the 
problem upstream.

I understand the desire to keep the standard library lean and useful to reduce 
the amount of burden the code is to maintain.  I will understand if we decide 
not to include these patches, I can always maintain a fork and share on pypi.


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