Raimondo Giammanco added the comment:

SilentGhost, thank you for your reply but I am probably missing something with 
it. Maybe there is some misunderstanding because of my unclear report. Please 
let me sum up my point and excuse some repetitiveness

>From the documentation of .writestr:
``If given, compress_type overrides the value given for the compression 
parameter to the constructor for the new entry``
I believed to understand that .writestr would have used the same 
compression_type passed creating the `z' instance. So, having already passed 
ZIP_DEFLATED to the constructor, in my opinion, passing it again would have 
been an useless repetition.

However, as per your suggestion,I tried to explicitly pass ZIP_DEFLATED to 
.writestr too:

from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
document = '/tmp/example.odt'
S2b, R2b = 'SUBST'.encode(), 'REPLACEMENT'.encode()
with ZipFile(document,'a', ZIP_DEFLATED) as z:
        xmlString = z.read('content.xml')
        xmlString = xmlString.replace(S2b, R2b)
    z.writestr('content.xml', xmlString, ZIP_DEFLATED)

but to no avail: with and without passing ZIP_DEFLATED to .writestr the odt 
documents lose the feature explained in my first post

AFAICT, the only way to keep a fully functional odt document is not to compress 
it (no ZIP_DEFLATED at all), as cited in my previous post 

with ZipFile(document,'a') as z:
        xmlString = z.read('content.xml')
        xmlString = xmlString.replace(S2b, R2b)
    z.writestr('content.xml', xmlString)


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