Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Are you planning to un-defer the PEP, and remove the Deferral section?

The PEP proposes 5 'phases'. How does that mesh with 2 'steps'?

Gregory's message is helpful to me. The Idle startup needs to be documented 
(AFAIK only code now ) and modified. Internal error messages are 'print'ed to a 
text console that is normally not present on Windows (resulting in an exception 
message that cannot be displayed!).  I want to add a new startup 'service', as 
early as possible, to direct error messages to a gui message box or window. 
This means getting a tkinter event loop running as soon as possible so 
everything after can depend on that.  Perhaps it already is, perhaps not.

nosy: +terry.reedy

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