New submission from R. David Murray:

Sorry for creating all these doc issues, but I'm reading these docs for the 
first time, and I figure it is good to capture my confusion now in the hopes 
that they can be clarified for other people's first readthroughs.

In the task chapter, we have Futures introduced.  (As an aside, it is 
interesting that the link to the concurrent.futures.Future docs start by saying 
"you should never instantiate this class directly", but the asyncio examples 
show direct instantiation of a future, but this difference is not mentioned in 
the asyncio docs when discussing the differences between them).  We then see an 
example that appears to include scheduling a future via asyncio.async, because 
there is a specific mention of how we can attach a callback after it is 
scheduled but before the event loop is started.

Then tasks are introduced with the text:

  Schedule the execution of a coroutine: wrap it in a future.  A task is a 
subclass of Future.

Now, having read a bit more elsewhere in the docs, I see that a Future is 
scheduled by its creation, and the call to async on the future in the previous 
example is a NOOP.  But that is *not* the implication of the text (see below as 
well).  So, there are several points of dissonance here.  One is that the 
implication is we pass Task a coroutine and it *wraps* it in a Future.  But a 
Task *is* a Future.  So do we have a Future using another Future to wrap a 
coroutine, or what?  Another point of dissonance is that this phrasing implies 
that the *act* of wrapping the coroutine in a Future is what schedules it, yet 
when we introduced Future we apparently had to schedule it explicitly.  So I 
think there needs to be a mention of scheduling in the Future section.

But this then brings up the question of what exactly it is that Task does that 
differs from what a regular Future does, a question that is only partially 
answered by the documentation, because what 'scheduled' means for a regular 
Future isn't spelled out in the Future section.
Which I think means that what we really need is an overview document that puts 
all these concepts together into a conceptual framework, so that the 
documentation of the individual pieces makes sense.

As a followon point, the gloss on example of parallel execution of tasks says 
"A task is automatically scheduled for execution when it is created.  The event 
loop stops when all tasks are done."  This reads very strangely to me.  The 
first sentence seems to be pointing out the difference between this example and 
the previous one with Future where we had to explicitly schedule it (by calling 
async which creates a task...).  But it seems that that isn't why is 
that sentence there? The second sentence presumably refers to the fact that 
run_until_complete runs the event loop until all scheduled tasks are 
complete..because they are wrapped in 'wait'.  But wait is not cross referenced 
or mentioned in the gloss, so I had to think about it carefully and look up 
wait to conclude that that was what it meant.

Of course, I could be more confused than necessary because I started reading 
with the 'task' chapter, but I don't see an overview chapter in the doc tree.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 227405
nosy: docs@python, r.david.murray
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: asyncio task chapter confusion about 'task', 'future', and 'schedule'
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5

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