eryksun added the comment:

When appending to a singly-referenced string, the interpreter tries to 
reallocate the string in place. This applies to both `s += 'text'` and `s = s + 
'text'`. Storing to a temp variable is adding a 2nd reference, so a new string 
gets allocated instead. If the former is the case (i.e. the object id is the 
same after appending), use ctypes to check the string's cached wide-string 
(wchar_t *) representation:

    from ctypes import *
    pythonapi.PyUnicode_AsUnicode.argtypes = [py_object]
    pythonapi.PyUnicode_AsUnicode.restype = c_wchar_p


The wstr cache should be cleared when the string is reallocated in place, so 
this is probably a dead end.


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