New submission from Van Ly:

The existing documentation is confusing. 

— improve wording as follows

enumerate(sequence, start=0)

Returns pairings of index into sequence[link to glossary.html#term-sequence] 
with the object at that index in the sequence.

— wording as found in v.2.7.5

enumerate(sequence, start=0)

Return an enumerate object. sequence must be a sequence, an iterator, or some 
other object which supports iteration. The next() method of the iterator 
returned by enumerate() returns a tuple containing a count (from start which 
defaults to 0) and the values obtained from iterating over sequence:

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 229979
nosy: docs@python, vy0123
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: improve documentation for enumerate() (built-in function)
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.5

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